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Chemical Peels- A Wonderfully Effective Treatment That is Rarely Spoken About.


Updated: Oct 6, 2022

Do you suffer from fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, acne, scarring, or uneven skin tone? A chemical peel may give you amazing results.

What is a Chemical Peel?

Chemical peels use a variety of acids to make a controlled wound that then allows fresh skin to grow underneath. The industry uses specific acids based on the skin concerns you are having and based on your unique skin. The acids simply break the bonds between your skin cells which allows the old layer of skin to flake off. What is then grown underneath is fresh young skin. Chemical peels are dived into two categories depending on your skin type and your skin concerns. These are AHA or a BHA, these represent the two groups of acid exfoliants that are used.

AHA Chemical Peels

AHA stands for Alpha Hydroxy Acids. AHA’s are naturally occurring acids such as glycolic acid, malic acids, and lactic acid. These can be found in the foods that we eat such as milk, sugar, and fruit.

AHA chemical peels are great for removing dead skin cells, dry skin, minimizing the appearance of pores, improving scars, and treating age lines. It is less penetrating than a BHA peel and so it treats concerns that are closer to the surface.

AHA’s refresh your skin by exfoliation. Glycolic acids have the smallest molecular size and so it is perfect for getting within your cells and exfoliating the dead cells by breaking the bonds between your skin cells. AHAs are also collagen-boosting which is why they are so great as an anti-aging treatment.

BHA Chemical Peels

BHA stands for Beta Hydroxy Acids. The main BHA used in the skincare industry is salicylic acid. However, there is also tropic acid or trethocanic acid. BHAs are more oil-soluble which makes them great for oily skin types and treating acne. BHA’s cause less irritation then AHA’s so that makes them more suitable for sensitive skin.

BHA is perfect for treating acne as they are oil-soluble and so are able to penetrate pores, BHA’s also fight bacteria. Due to there deep penetrating nature, they are often used on calluses and are used to treat warts.

Depending on your skin concerns there are various intensity levels of chemical peels.

Light Chemical Peels

Treat the outermost layer of the epidermis. This treats the superficial layer, it is great for those with more sensitive skin who suffer from fine lines, wrinkles, blemishes, and uneven skin tone. Light chemical peels can be repeated every 2-5 weeks depending on your desired results.

Medium Chemical Peels

This treatment affects the epidermis and the dermis layer. For those who have more extensive needs than what a light chemical peel will touch this is a great alternative. You can repeat this peel between 3-9 months.

Deep Chemical Peels

This penetrates deep into your skin it targets the epidermis, mid-lower levels of your dermis. Due to the intensity of this treatment, it can only be done once and is used for deep wrinkles, uneven pigmentation, acne, and precancerous growths.

If you want to book a chemical peel, our medical esthetician Ashley is well trained and ready to assist you on your journey for beautiful skin!

Call (905) 628-8804 or email

to book your appointment now!!

Chemical peels take a certain amount of recovery time, light chemical peels do not require much recovery time however your skin will be red and more sensitive to sunlight and outside toxins. The deeper the peel the longer the recovery time for your skin will be as the new layers adjust to outside conditions.

Who is a good candidate for Chemical Peels?

Chemical peels are more effective with light-haired and fair-skinned clients. However, that does not mean they are ineffective for dark-haired or darker-skinned clients. However due to the pigment in dark-toned skin, the chemical peels need to be lighter or designed specifically for dark-toned skin, as strong peels have been known to cause discolouration in melanin-rich skin.

After Care of Chemical Peels.

After you have received your peel there are a few precautions that you need to undertake to make sure your peel is as effective with as few complications as possible. Avoid strong heat as your skin will be more susceptible to burning and blistering. It is also best to avoid strenuous exercise and sweating. It is best not to aid your skin in the peeling process as this can cause scarring and can peel skin that is not ready to be removed.

Light chemical peels your skin will be red and slightly irritated. Apply petroleum jelly or another calming agent to soothe your skin. It will take 1 to 7 days for your skin to acclimatize to the outside.

Medium chemical peels due to the deeper penetration will require more aftercare. The professional performing the chemical peel may advise a product for you to use to keep your fresh skin hydrated and clean. Use fans and icepacks to keep yourself comfortable. You may also need an over the counter pain killer such as Advil or Tylenol. As the swelling decreases your skin will begin to form a crust and may get darker. Your skin will take around 14 days to heal but the redness may stay for a few months.

Deep chemical peels with such an extensive procedure you may have been put under anesthetic or had a numbing agent applied to your skin. Your skin will be very red, swollen, and may throb after this procedure your doctor may apply a watertight dressing to keep your skin to keep it safe during recovery time. Your doctor may also prescribe painkillers. New skin will take around 2 weeks to develop, you may develop white spots and redness for several weeks.

How to look after your skin once it has recovered.

Due to the way chemical peels work it does mean you need to be extra careful with your skin. However, the care is our usual recommendation on a daily basis even if you haven’t had a chemical peel. SPF is very important! Especially with a deep peel, you need to protect those fresh layers of skin from any kind of damage.

Important Note

A warning we would like to talk about with you. Please do NOT use at home chemical peeling treatments. These chemical formulas can be very strong. Products brought over the internet are not always FDA or CR approved and so can be very unsafe for your skin and your overall health.

Some people have suffered horrific burns from at-home peeling treatments that could cause potentially permanent scars. Licensed professionals know these chemicals inside and out, we select the safe ones to use with your skin and skin concerns, we know how to apply them, and how to neutralize them.

Have you ever had a chemical peel? We would love to hear about your experience.

If you want to book a chemical peel, our medical esthetician Ashley is well trained and ready to assist you on your journey for beautiful skin!

Call (905) 628-8804 or email

to book your appointment now!!



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